Local and Regional Competitiveness Project


This Grant Manual presents operational guidelines and procedures to be followed in implementation of Component 3 of the Local and Regional Competitiveness Project. (LRCP or “the Project”). Component 3 will finance investments in tourism related infrastructure and economic linkages at the destinations of focus for the Project (defined below). This Grant Manual lays out the processes and procedures of identifying, preparing, selecting, procuring, managing and monitoring the implementation of sub-projects under Component 3.

This Grant Manual will be basis on which the LRCP Project Implementation Unit (PIU) and LRCP beneficiaries will implement the project activities1 . Grant Manual is an integral part of the Project Operational Manual (POM) but can be used as a standalone document. The Project is funded by an 18 million euro grant from the European Union’s Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance II and administered by the World Bank, through a Trust fund (Local and Regional Competitiveness in Tourism Trust Fund) using applicable World Bank guidelines and procedures on environmental and social management, financial management, procurement and implementation support.

The LRCP consists of four components, one executed by the World Bank and three by the Government, CDPMEA (Cabinet of Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs). The activities in the World Bank executed component will fund technical and advisory assistance to sector-level policies and measures that would improve the enabling environment for the activities under the Recipient (Government) executed components that are implemented by the PIU.

More information on the following link:
